Best New Music

Garage Rock At Its Best: Fine Line – “Floating”

  • February 18, 2018
  • 1 min read
Garage Rock At Its Best:  Fine Line – “Floating”
Andi Bueckle

Fine Lines



Nashville-based Fine Lines is a great garage, alt rock band.  This band is amazing.  “Floating” is a great rocker, while “Stranger”, the flipped side, is a great sludging song worthy of Dinosaur, Jr.  Comprised of Chris Probasco: Vocals, Guitar; B.L. Reed: Lead Guitar; Dustyn Roth: Bass; and James Thompson: Drums, this band is one of the greatest garage band I have ever heard.  Thank God someone has the guts to realize that garage bands are important and musically tough.  Thanks guys.  You guys are tremendous.

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Phil King

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