New Music

Real Adult Music: Chapell – “Giving Her More”

  • December 14, 2015
  • 2 min read



“Giving Her More”

The Redhead’s Allegations

Alan Chapell didn’t take the conventional route because, in his own words, “It never felt like the right time.” Born on the mean streets of Stamford, CT, Alan began performing musically at an early age. Chapell played around in the music scene, finally taking his musical talents all the way to Mumbai, India to make music with the multi-national East-West fusion band Kalki. To make ends meet, he wrote jingles for Indian TV and had an all too brief stint as a video jockey.  Coming back to the States, Chapell decided it was time to make music his own way.  And this he certainly has done.  After a unique encounter with Jerry Harrison through his old friend Chris Frantz, Chapell and Harrison decided to work together.  Drawing seamlessly from influences such as Bryan Ferry and Elvis Costello, Flaming Lips and Neutral Milk Hotel – this is music for discerning adults. Look no further than the lineup used on the album: cello, fiddle, organ and a full horn section sweep over – and the lyrics both celebrate and vilify NYC as the backdrop for some heartfelt storytelling.

Harrison and Thorngren assembled a band of world-class musicians such as drummer Prairie Prince (The Tubes), Tommy Mandell (Bryan Adams) on organ, Riley Osborne (Kenny Wayne Shephard’s band), George Marinelli (Bonnie Raitt) on guitar, and relative newcomer Sarah Gregory (the Gregory Brothers) singing harmonies. And Jerry Harrison couldn’t resist sitting in occasionally on Wurlitzer.  This is an album for adults, without being main stream and boring.  There is a definitely quirkiness to Chapell’s work, which is no surprise considering his background.  This is music definitely worth dipping into: hell, jump in head first, enjoy the water, the music is super fine.

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Phil King

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