New Music

HEAR: Secret Club, “Secret Club”

  • April 18, 2015
  • 1 min read


secret club 3

 Secret Club

“Secret Club”

Apocalypse Meow

If you like the Hives, or the White Stripes, you will love this band.  This Indie garage rock band Secret Club release their new self-titled single, and it is amazing.  I cannot believe that punk rock/guitar heavy music is making a comeback, and I couldn’t be happier.  One of the tremendous things about this band is that they are a band.  Enough said.  I have just jumped on the Secret Club bandwagon.  This is a band that refuses to remain a secret.

 Apocalypse Meow:

1. Secret Club *
2. I Do What I Want *
3. Toledo
4.  Circle K
5. My Friend Angie
6. Why Can’t Friends Just Kiss On The Lips Sometimes *
7. Leave A Mark
8. Lost
9. Sucker *
10. Sweet Thing With A Crush
11. Rapture

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Phil King

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